Thirty moments igniting happiness.

"Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It's the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul." Amy Collette A silhouette of two people in happiness. When you ask people, "what brings you joy?" More often than not, you'll hear, "it's the little things!" I might sound like a scratched record but it... Continue Reading →

Fulfilling Passion Projects

Do you enjoy your job? Today's prompt is a very exciting one and so I could not allow the day to end without giving a shot at it.... Here's another post in what we would call Weekend Reads. Cause if we gonna do this frequent basis; why not find a name to give it.... If... Continue Reading →

The Benefits of Writing

Writing prompt: have you ever felt drained from writing? Yes, I have felt drained from writing.....As much as it's been my escape there have been days when I just want a break! And yes I have taken it.... Just because I needed it. They have been times when I ran out of ideas; been in... Continue Reading →

My favorite things to do

Writing prompt: in my free time I.... Today's prompt is fun to say the least! In my free time I do a few things to free my mind of the stresses of life - in no particular order! Enjoy.... 1. Read - They say, "reading maketh a full man." It is true. By reading you... Continue Reading →

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