Wrapped in a Gift of Sugar

Some gifts are big. Others are small. But the ones that come from the heart are the best gifts of all. – Tinku Razoria

Curteousy of Gracious quotes

Today’s prompt provided by WordPress for Bloganuary day number 9

The best gift I’ve received that has a great memory attached? I wrote about one in summer 2022.

Recommended post: Life Lesson from an Earphone.

Well, to be fair I have received many gifts that I’ll consider memory… So here’s another from the list.

From the memory box.

Sourced from Pexel

If you should ask me what’s a memorable birthday for me I’ll tell you, all so far. However, the 18th is definitely on the list for sure! That was my final highschool birthday and of course I’m always excited for my each year of life that I’ve been blessed with.

So as usual I got to school early and was hanging out at my usual early morning spot where general devotion is usually held on a Monday & Wednesday. It is a normal routine for me to get a little fresh air before going into the buzz of the day.

So I was just in my regular routine on my birthday basking in both gratitude & fresh air for the day when I heard my highschool mentor walking from her car to her office and so she had to pass where I was. Busy minding my own business when all I felt was a gift bag brush my shoulder. “Happy birthday, Richelle” she said stretching for a quick hug. “Thank you” I replied smilingly receiving the bag.

Open the bag & it was a bottle of lotion called “Wrapped in Sugar”

A life lesson

They say it is the little things and trust me it really is. For me, as simple as it may seem for some, from my viewpoint,the whole thing showed & emphasized the type of person I was to her and impact I had for the six years I spent at the school & how she thought of me.

That was just they tip of the iceberg though. The entire day was filled with fun & laughter. Thanks to all who was apart of that day made into a heartwarming memory.

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