Life: The College of Continuous Lessons

What colleges have you attended?Bloganury 2024, day 3 “ All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners. Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they’re not learning, they’re not growing and not moving toward excellence.” Denis Waitley Mr music man, play "Stronger" by Agent Sasco, please! If you know the song -... Continue Reading →

Heathy Benefits of Crying

Writing prompt: Write about an interesting research. When was the last time you had a good cry? A lot of time we hold our tears in because, we are afraid of being vulnerable. However, did you know that crying is not really a bad thing? How I came across this information? Thanks to my sister.... Continue Reading →

My favorite things to do

Writing prompt: in my free time I.... Today's prompt is fun to say the least! In my free time I do a few things to free my mind of the stresses of life - in no particular order! Enjoy.... 1. Read - They say, "reading maketh a full man." It is true. By reading you... Continue Reading →

My favorite colour & why

Writing prompt: What is your favorite colour & why? Firstly, I have multiple favorite colours. One thing about me, you cannot put me in a box; if you want to try, you can but I would find a way out....I mean, I put myself in my own box because I built it! My favorite colours... Continue Reading →

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