Be a Billboard of Light

If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?

Bloganury 2024, day 6

If you don’t celebrate your wins, how will you ever know that you’ve achieved success?


If I had a freeway billboard, I could think of a number of things that it would say, some of which I honestly won’t have time nor fingers to type out….

However, for the sake of today’s post, I’ll just list three things:

A Bible verse: Come on, of you know me or have been keeping up and following my journey then you know – they’ll be no way I would avoid this. Two scripture would be – St. Matthew chapter 5 verse 16, “Let your light so shine anoung men that they might see the Good work and glorify your father which is, in Heaven.” Romans chapter 8 verse 28 is also top the list of Bible verses: “And we know that all things work together for our good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.”

Next on my personal billboard suggestion list would be, something around advocacy.. A quote some vital information, a topic whatever it is! One thing I’m certain of is, whenever you see it, the hope is that you feel inspired.

Picture of a sign from WordPress’ free library

Finally from the top of my head, the list would be, some advertisement regarding all I do: my podcast or my blog… Not to toot my own horn, however one thing about “Little Miss cheer for yourself” I’m gonna celebrate my wins but also while this might give me some tractin, that’s not the case. it’s more about letting the persons who need me to know that they can find me and I’ll be that safe space for them.

I would like to know what would your billboard look like and what else could I add to my billboard?

Check out: Smelling the Roses of Today.

Remember to leave a like and engage.

Until next time, I appreciate you for reading!

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