Like a Jigsaw? Challenge Accepted!

Prompt What are your biggest challenges?Bloganury, 2024 Day 1 "Our ability to handle life's challenges is a measure of our strength of character." Les Brown I doubt anyone can pick just one biggest challenge. Infact, I'll look at it this way, life is a huge jigsaw puzzle with many different pieces and aspects and as... Continue Reading →

Ways to Defeat the Enemy of a Writer

"You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That’s why most valuable traits is persistence" Octavia Butler Have you have moments you want to write but when you actually take up the pen or open the blogging app,... Continue Reading →

Why You Should Bet on Yourself?

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage."- Anais Nin Quote Credit How often do you bet on yourself? I know betting on yourself can be scary but how long are you going to allow your fear to cripple you? Why don't you think the world wants or better yet need what you have... Continue Reading →

The Benefits of Writing

Writing prompt: have you ever felt drained from writing? Yes, I have felt drained from writing.....As much as it's been my escape there have been days when I just want a break! And yes I have taken it.... Just because I needed it. They have been times when I ran out of ideas; been in... Continue Reading →

Free flow gratitude

Writing prompt: Think randomly of five things you're grateful for. By now you readers should know, I love giving thanks, I'm always finding a lesson in the chaos to give thanks for. So, this prompt is actually fitting. What a better day than to give thanks than today. Here are five things I'm grateful today....... Continue Reading →

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